Monday, April 9, 2007

Episode #1

The Maiden voyage from the Cigar Ministry at features some Cigar industry news...From the pages of, the financial reports are out on the second largest maker of tabacco products, Swedish Match/General Cigar, are projecting a bit of an increase in sales for this coming year but that growth is most likely in the form of smokeless tabaccos and smaller cigars and even flavored cigars will be the bulk of this growth. Increasingly your not allowed to light up so smokeless is growing. Also smaller cigars that can be smoked faster are gaining a foothold on production. Also... CAO International is purchased By Henri Wintermans but there are no plans of changing the company line up except for the CEO of CAO.
I reviewed the Nat Sherman 1400 series cigar.
We had a comentary on the double standards of the healthcare comunity of the anti-smokers.

All of the music on the pod cast can be found on the PodSafe Music Network

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