Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Taxation needs to stop!!

This is a copy of the letter I sent to President Bush, Sen. Hillary Clinton and Sen. Charles Schumer . Please Please everyone this is your time of need!!! Wright to your Senate NOW!
I am writing to you in hopes that a sane voice can be heard in regards to the proposed Federal Tax Increase on Tobacco ,specifically cigars. To propose a taxation rise of 20,000% in order to fund State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) in an incredibly insane and economically impossible idea.
Tying the funding for children's health care to a declining source of revenue will only prove detrimental later.
The potential for tax evading black markets in tobacco will only skyrocket if this tax were to be implemented. Personally I would have no choice but to participate if pressed. But I don't want to be an outlaw. I respect the American way of life and hope those in power also do too by doing the RIGHT thing!
As an American consumer and very active voter, I urge you to oppose any increases to the Federal Tobacco Tax!
Robert Louis Barraco
Auburn, NY USA
We cannot and should not just take this up the ass guys! Do your bit now! You can find links to the RTDA web site at or just go to the RDTA web site yourself. There is a very easy form you fill out and either email and or snail mail right to your correct reps.. This is the EXACT kind of taxation that lead to the 1776 revolution. DON'T LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN!!!

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